We took a number of shots that came out very well which we would definitely consider using in our final piece. We experimented a great deal with slow motion, such as the shot of the slush puppy freezing in a close up format. We also tried using a few time lapses which in the end actually came out quite well. We filmed from an extreme long shot angle with Ross on the roundabout with cars coming past him. We filmed him for a good 3/4 minutes and then sped up the shot in order to create an effective time lapse. We also got other good shots such as a track of Ross walking past a wall of graffiti. As we were filming with 50fps we were able to halve the speed and still keep a good quality image.
We did face a few obstacles and problems throughout the day. We made the error of not checking the equipment before going off as our separate group. When we went to set up the tripod one of the legs was broken which caused us some issues. In the end we just held it in place and it seemed to work fine even for long periods of time, such as when filming the time lapse. Nevertheless, when we did film the time lapse we encountered another issue. The camera kept buffering and then freezing meaning we couldn't film for a long period of time ruining our time lapse. We altered the resolution but nothing really worked until we gave up, and then after a while tried again; to our surprise, it worked.
We have learnt a lot from the Brighton trip that we could further use in different location recess for the future. Definitely knowing your way around the designated location you are going to is a massive help as it means you can work very effectively within a shorter amount of time. Another thing we have learnt is that having a general idea of what you want to achieve before you go and complete your recce is a massive help as it means you don't get countless amounts of shots that you won't end up using and get a much greater idea of what your real thing will look like.

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